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The Hike In

Sat. August 30, 2003

West Tensleep Lake to Lost Twin Lakes


The Plan: A solo Labor Day backpack trip to the Bighorns. I have always wanted to do a solo trip, this was quasi-solo as Cody accompanied me. Having just completed a trip to the Wind Rivers a month ago my shoulders were surely stronger, my gear was sorted and ready, some leftover food remained, and Cody was certainly up for it. Let's do it!

The Area: Last September I did a trail run, leaving from the West Tensleep Lake trailhead. I parked at the same trailhead on this trip but traveled east instead of north for the trail run. To get in a full day we drove up Friday night and camped near the trailhead. It rained that night and the tent and sleeping bag got wet.

The Weather: As forecasted, Saturday was a rainy day. The clouds were packed in tight and it mainly drizzled the entire day. Temperatures were cool and actually it was ok conditions for the hike in.

Cody: He left the trailhead at warp speed. I tried to tell him to pace himself but knew that was hopeless. Freedom and so much to explore. He always led the way but would glance back at intervals to confirm my presence. Hey wait for me, some of this 55 pounds is your food.


Near camp, below Lost Twin Lakes. I saw 4 humans today. The guy who took this plus another party consisting of father and two sons.


Heading down to stream to get some water. Got tent setup at 12:30 p.m.


Guard dog.


After camp was established we ventured up to Lower Lost Twin Lake, about one half mile from camp. (Roman was here before.)

At times this afternoon the heavier rain dictated the poncho.

Not sure if these can even be called trees.

Upper Lost Twin Lake, 10,391 feet.
